Contact Us

We Want to Hear From You!

Have feedback, questions, comments? Send us a message. Account related inquires can only be handled by phone at 1-888-340-2454.

Contact us

Customer Service hours: 7am - 9pm, 7 days a week

1-888-340-2454   |


Office hours:

By Appointment: 9am - 4pm, Monday - Friday
529 Koula Street, Bay 2
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

Media inquiries and requests:

Secure Bike Share

Seeking Marketing Opportunities, Sales, or Partnerships? Secure Bike Share wants to hear from you! Contact us at


Bikeshare generates millions of gross impressions with 24/7/365 visibility, reaching residents and visitors where they live, work and play. Find an opportunity that works best for your branding goals while demonstrating your support of community health, livability and sustainability.


Request a Biki Stop

We're continually reviewing suggestions for new Biki Stop locations. If you've got an idea for a new Biki Stop we would love to hear about it. Must have a minimum space of 6 feet by 50 feet and meet other minimum requirements.