How do I get my bike once I have signed up?
You will generate a release code using the website or app. First you must select the station you are getting a bike from. Confirm the station number on your screen matches the number on the side of the kiosk of the station you are at. Then click the unlock button to get a 5 digit code. Codes will only work at the station you select and are good for 5 minutes. You will enter your release code at any dock with available bikes. The light will turn from yellow to green, indicating it is time to remove the bike. Tip: Gently lift the bike by the seat to undock the bike
What do I do to return my bike?
Return the bike to any open dock at a Biki Stop. Push the front wheel of the bike firmly into the bike dock until the green light on the dock comes on. The green light indicates that the bike is properly secured and your trip has ended. If the red light on the bike dock stays on, remove the bike and try another empty bike dock. The bike remains your responsibility until it is properly locked. Check out our video tutorial!
How is my ride time determined?
Your time will be calculated from your release green light to your return green light. Your ride time will start once you have received the green light after your ride code has been entered at the dock. Your ride time will end once the bike has properly been secured in a dock and you have received the green light.
How can I know if my bicycle is properly returned?
Check the keypad (to the left of the bike) for the green light. If you aren’t sure whether you saw a green light or not, please contact the call center while you are at the station so we can check whether your trip has ended or not. If you have the Commuter, Voyager, Explorer or Free Spirit Plan and did not see the green light, you can try to generate a new release code for any station on the Biki App. If it does not allow you to generate a new code, your bike has not been docked properly.
What do I do if there is something wrong with my bike?
Return your bike to the nearest station. Make sure you see the green light on the keypad upon docking. Press the red wrench button (on the top of the keypad) to alert our staff. Now, you can get a different bike.